The 'Brick Session' often forms part of an athletes preparation for optimum race day performance and below we have provided just one example of how and when you might include this into your training program. Nothing simulates 'race day' better than well planned and well executed brick workouts.
What’s the session?
70.3 Brick
The “Main set” is as follows:
Ride 4 x 20mins at 70.3 Target RP Power or Heart Rate BCR@70rpm+ | 3.5mins Recovery
Run 4 x 4mins at 70.3 Target RP Pace or Heart Rate | 1mins Recovery
70.3 “RP” or Race Pace is to be predetermined depending on your individual race goals and both are different for cycling and running. The bike portion focus is always BCR (Big Chain Ring) and the aim should always be to ride between 70-80rpm. Recovery should also be performed on the BCR using a lower gear, but SCR (Small Chain Ring) can be used. If you do not have power or heart rate, you can use the BORG ‘perceived effort’ scale (1-10). Using this scale ‘70.3 RP’ might be determined as a 7.0-8.0 out of 10. Recovery should be 5 or <.
Who’s it most appropriate for?
This session would be specifically for 70.3 athletes. Because the session is ‘time’ based and the intensity is based off the individual we have used this session with great effect for Elite Age Group Athletes & Age Group Athletes.
When could I use it and how could I apply it?
Typically, a brick workout of this duration and or this intensity would be used in the final build towards your target race or leading into a block of racing. Depending on the periodization and progression of your weeks, this session could be completed on up to 3 occasions leading into your taper with a shortened/revised version as part of your final taper. A ‘weekend’ day is usually a preferred option for the session. Depending on the length of your build for the event and duration of your taper, we recommend not performing this session within 7days of your race.
What’s the progression leading into it and on from it?
Ride 4 x 15mins BCR@70rpm+ at 70.3 Target RP Power or Heart Rate | 2.45mins Recovery
Run 4 x 3mins at 70.3 Target RP Pace or Heart Rate | 1mins Recovery Jog
Ride 4 x 20mins BCR@70rpm+ at 70.3 Target RP Power or Heart Rate | 3.5mins Recovery
Run 4 x 4mins at 70.3 Target RP Pace or Heart Rate | 1mins Recovery Jog
Ride 4 x 25mins BCR@70rpm+ at 70.3 Target RP Power or Heart Rate | 4.15mins Recovery
Run 4 x 5mins at 70.3 Target RP Pace or Heart Rate | 1mins Recovery Jog Disclaimer
Athlete choosing to utilize these sessions, do so at their own risk. You agree to assume the risks of such training, and further agree to hold harmless Jarrod Evans & Triathlon Gold from any and all claims, suits, losses, and/or related causes of actions and damages, including, but not limited to, such claims that may result from my injury or death, accidental or otherwise, during or arising in any way from copying and or implementing these session suggestions. These session concepts have either been created from scratch by Jarrod Evans and or adapted from existing workouts from other athletes and coaches over the last 25years.